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Author’s Guild Member Spotlight

Following is my interview with the Author’s Guild Member Spotlight.

Author Juliette Godot's in th Author's Guild Member Spotlight
Author’s Guild Member Spotlight 10/12/2022

Juliette Godot in the Author’s Guild Member Spotlight

Why is writing important to you and why do you think it’s an important medium for the world? 

Writing is important to the world because it allows the writer’s experiences, ideas, and dreams to be understood and contemplated by others who would never have met that person and would never have had the chance to see the world through another’s eyes.

What are your tried and tested remedies to cure writer’s block? 

My tried and tested remedy to cure writer’s block is to read something. Something as mundane as the local news or a magazine article could trigger the perfect idea. Always keep your mind open to any reading opportunity.

What is your favorite time to write?

My favorite time to write is in the evening. I got a lot of my ideas on my long commute home. As soon as I arrived, I had to quickly get them written down before I forgot them.

What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received and would like to impart to other writers?

The best piece of writing advice I’ve ever received and would like to impart to others is to get beta readers that are not your friends or family. Friends and family won’t tell you the truth. They mean well and since they know you personally, they may also know the situation you are describing. You need someone completely impartial to give you honest feedback.

What excites you most about being a writer in today’s age?

What excites me most about being a writer today is that research is so much easier. We have access to most of the world’s history at our fingertips. Within a few minutes, I can search for every historical event that happened on a certain day, hundreds of years ago. As someone who was born prior to the rise of the internet, I remember having to search my family’s encyclopedias (back then, every family had a set of encyclopedias) to find information for a school paper. Now, I can find that information in an instant.

Juliette Godot’s From the Drop of Heaven is out now with ‎ Brown Posey Press.

Find out more about me and my research for the novel, From the Drop of Heaven.