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2023 Chaucer Awards Finalist

Chanticleer International Book Awards

2023 Chaucer Awards Finalist

Chaucer Award Medalion

I am proud to announce that my book made it into the 2023 Chaucer Awards Finalist round. The Chaucer Book Awards recognizes the best of the best in Historical Fiction featuring the Pre-1750s Historical Fiction. The Chaucer Awards is the first Historical Fiction division created at Chanticleer.

This is from the Chanticleer Website

Chaucer Image

Chanticleer Book Reviews is seeking for the best books featuring Pre-1750s Historical Fiction, including pre-history, ancient history, Classical, world history (non-western culture), Dark Ages and Medieval Europe, Renaissance, Elizabethan, Tudor, 1600s, we will put them to the test and choose the best among them. 

That they chose my book is very exciting!

This is the path that a Chanticleer Finalist had to trod to make it the finals.

I am surprised and very proud to have made it this far.

Chanticleer Finalist Grid

Who is Geoffrey Chaucer, anyway?

Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is considered one of the greatest works in the English language. It was among the first non-secular books written in Middle English to be printed.

From the Chanticleer website used with permission

Canterbury Tales
  • born c. 1342/43 probably in London. He died on October 25, 1400
  • his father was a London vintner
  • His family’s finances depended upon wine and leather
  • Chaucer spoke Middle English and was fluent in French, Latin, and Italian
  • He guided diplomatic missions across the continent of Europe for ten years where he discovered the works of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio whose The Decameron had a profound influence on Chaucer’s later works
  • His remains are interred in the Westminster Abbey

Festa Italia

Today was the Festa Italia event on Main Street in a nearby town.

Accordian player

Frankie Valli and Dean Martin on the loudspeaker and this guy playing the accordian.

What else would there be at Festa Italia?

(The required Dollar General Store in the background. LOL)

I took the opportunity to check out the local independent bookstore. The Book Nook. Have you ever heard such a clever name for a bookstore?

Book Nook
From The Drop Of Heaven on Cash Register

And look what I found with the display of the other local authors. It is so exciting to see my book in a physical bookstore.

All the copies are signed and for the time being, it is on sale for 20% off. So support your local bookstore and your local authors, and read an award-winning novel about the ancestors of many of your neighbors.

Or click this link and download it on your Kindle for only $4.99.

From the Drop of Heaven on display at the Book Nook